Website Updating / Schedule Structure

Hey all! So the site has been live for quite a while now, though due to issues that we shan’t go over here, this is sort of the first actual post of the site! Development on the first game, Shapey Shapey Number Clash for Android and iOS is back on track, but first I’d like to get the site in a somewhat regular update format.

Over the next week, we’ll see if we can get this to a once a week update on what’s going on. This will hopefully be the spot to showcase the development progress. So many developers make the mistake of over promising and under delivering and due to the last year of issues, I’ll simply hint at intended release window rather than state it and then have to unfortunately roll it back.

Regarding current progress with SSNC, the game feels about halfway there but needs a lot of overhauling on the campaign. The short of it is that I’m leaning out the game to emphasize releasing a “first game” rather than having too many intended features sinking a full release possibility. First things first though, finishing the site! I’ll post back in a week or less and let yall know where we stand and hopefully be on a more structured posting structure…

That’s it. Oh, testing out posting an image here:

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